We live in a world that’s broken both spiritually and physically. At Tapestry Church, we believe we’re called to confront not only the spiritual brokenness, but also the physical brokenness that exists in our world. We want to raise awareness of local, national, and global social injustices happening around us, and we want to mobilize college students and Austinites to do something about it.
Each month, we partner with different on-campus groups, non-profit organizations, and local and international missions to make a difference in the world. Whether it’s serving in a low-income area of east Austin, serving the homeless, or cleaning up a park, we desire to glorify God by taking care of His creation.
Questions about a Serve opportunity? Know of a non-profit or mission we could partner with? Contact Tapestry pastor Matt Moore, matt@tapestrychurchatx.org.

Community First! Village
Saturday, November 23rd
During the pandemic, our serving ministry, as far as pertains to sesrving as a group, is on pause. There are opportunities for indiviudals to serve. If you're interested, email matt@tapestrychurchatx.com